The CDC-Kaiser-Permanente ACE study documents that trauma is the root cause of chronic disease in a significant
portion of patients. Vincent Felitti, MD, will relate findings of the ACE Study and how his practice uses
trauma screening and referral to successfully improve outcomes in patients with heart disease, diabetes, and
other chronic diseases.
To learn more go to: This conference will be of particular benefit for Vermont
Blueprint for Health teams and their community service partners. Participants will engage with Vermont ACE
data, discover effective models for treating trauma related health issues, and learn how Vermont’s Blueprint
& Medical Home model provide a network of community partners to help patients address childhood trauma
issues and improve health outcomes.
Participants will identify how a primary care practice can conduct comprehensive health assessments and create
effective self-care plans with patients in collaboration with community services partners.
Program Outcomes:
This conference will prepare participants to:
- Recognize that trauma is related to health outcomes over the life span & pervasive across class & culture
- Consider screening for trauma
- Recognize trauma symptoms and treat root causes with a team response
- Engage with their regional Blueprint team to support trauma-focused interventions
- Recognize the connection between co-located medical & mental health models & quality measures
- Integrate services across the community with providers working together and tracking referrals to ensure follow-through
- Shift perceptions of persistent barriers and impediments to seeing opportunities and ways to address trauma within a treatment plan
- Recognize that treating trauma can improve health outcomes and reduce medical costs over time
Target Audience:
Prescribing clinicians, nurses, professionals in the field of psychology, mental & behavioral health, educators, child
protection and legislators.
- Vincent Felitti, MD, Kaiser Permanente, Co-principal investigator of the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study
- James Hudziak, MD, UVM Professor, Psychiatry, Medicine & Pediatrics. Director, Vermont Center for Children, Youth & Families
- Harry Chen, MD, Commissioner, Vermont Department of Health
- Lisa Dulsky?Watkins, MD, Associate Director, Vermont Blueprint for Health
- Melissa Bailey, MA, LCMHC, Director of Integrated Family Services, Agency of Human Services
Continuing Education Credits
Northeastern Vermont AHEC designates this live educational activity for a maximum of 9.5 AMA PRA
Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation
in the activity.
Northeastern Vermont AHEC is approved as a provider of Continuing Medical Education (CME) by the New
Hampshire Medical Society, an ACCME accreditation organization
Northeastern Vermont Area Health Education Center is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Vermont State Nurses’ Association’s Credentialing Committee, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s
Commission on Accreditation. This educational activity supports 9.5 Contact Hours, which are transferable for professional CEUs.
Social Workers:
9.5 Continuing Education Credits are pre?approved by the National Association of Social Workers, Vermont Chapter (NASW-VT).
Mental Health Counselors, Alcohol and Drug Counselors & Psychologists:
9.5 continuing education credits have been requested for approval by the Office of Professional Development of the Vermont Secretary of State.
7:45 Registration & full breakfast
8:30 Welcome: Governor Shumlin (invited) and Doug Racine, AHS Secretary
8:45 Conference Aspirations & Outcomes Priscilla White
9:15 ACE 101 Vincent Felitti, MD
10:30 Break
10:45 ACE 101 Vincent Felitti, MD
11:15 Vermont ACE Stats Harry Chen, MD
12:15 Introduction to the Blueprint Lisa Dulsky-Watkins, MD
12:30 Luncheon Buffet
1:15 Case Studies from Primary Care Host: Harry Chen, MD
2:30 Break
2:45 Identifying Screening Tools
3:15 Regional Discussion Round Tables: Supporting patients through appropriate referral and follow up
4:15 Report Out & Wrap Up
4:45 Adjourn
Dinner and evening on your own
8:30 Breakfast Buffet
9:00 Welcome Back - Re-Cap Friday
9:30 Family Wellness James Hudziak, MD
10:30 Break
10:40 Family Wellness James Hudziak, MD
11:45 What does all this mean for Vermont? Melissa Bailey, MA, LCMHC
12:30 Wrap Up and adjourn
Stowe Mountain Resort
This 4-season resort provides luxurious accommodations and elegant food in the Alpine tradition.
A special room block has been set up at the Inn at the Mountain & Condominiums with rates ranging from $95-$140.
Please call: 802/253- 3649 or 253-3656 and reference Group Code 20116. Visit for additional resort details & directions.
$125 for Friday / $25 for Saturday
Registration fee includes all content, handouts, credits, breakfast, lunch and invitation to a free
six-month follow-up implementation meeting. Overnight arrangements on your own starting at $95
per night are available at the Inn at the Mountain, 5837 Mountain Road, Stowe. Make your guest
reservations early to qualify for the discount. Call 1-802/253-3649 or 3656. Book on?line at using the Reservation Code 20116.
Registering as teams will increase the effectiveness of participation. When a prescribing clinician and 3 colleagues register as a team, a 5th person can be added at no extra cost.
When you register, you will automatically receive the 10-question ACE Scale and the 4-question PTSD Scale through Survey Monkey. These surveys are voluntary. Results will be totaled as anonymous data for review at this conference.
AHS Departments have contributed funding to support this conference to ensure that it is affordable for all of our targeted audience.
The Conference design is in line with the Vermont Health Care reform concept of the “Learning Healthy System” and a coordinated statewide approach to health, wellness, & disease prevention. It is purposely focused on understanding issues of trauma and how they relate to overall health outcomes.
The Planning Committee has intentionally targeted Community Health Team members such as nurse coordinators, health educators, and counselors who support and work closely with clinicians to participate in this learning collaborative to further our ability to address trauma.
Conference Planning Committee Members:
Melissa Bailey-AHS, Jill Evans-DOC, Kathy Hentcy-VDH, Breena Holmes-VDH, Danielle Howes-DCF/CDD, Monica
Hutt-AHS, Chuck Myers-NFI, Laurel Omland-DMH, Ilisa Stalberg-VDH, Bob Swartz-AHEC, Priscilla White–
After October 1, 2013 no refunds will be granted, but substitutions are encouraged.
Contact Robert “Bob” Swartz at 802?748?2506 or